Join in the work of MC USA by supporting the Annual Fund. The MC USA Annual Fund directs donations to where they are needed most, strengthening our denomination, which in turn, supports area conferences, congregations and members. Give here.

Who are the Mennonites.

Mennonite Church USA is an Anabaptist Christian denomination, founded in 2002, and a recognized peace church. Members seek to follow Jesus by rejecting violence and resisting injustice. MC USA’s Renewed Commitments state the following shared commitments among its diverse body of believers: to follow Jesus, witness to God’s peace and experience the transformation of the Holy Spirit. MC USA is comprised of 15 area conferences and more than 460 congregations across the United States. MC USA is part of Mennonite World Conference, a global faith family that includes churches in 60 countries. 


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Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference brings together conference communicators

Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference brings together conference communicators

Eric Massanari shares about Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference’s annual Conference Communicator Council meeting, featuring a presentation by MC USA Archives Coordinator Olivia Krall.  Eric Massanari serves.. Read More →
Wrestling with God: The practice of staying present to discomfort

Wrestling with God: The practice of staying present to discomfort

Spiritual director Sherah-Leigh Gerber reflects on how Jacob’s time wrestling with God in Genesis reminds her of staying present in discomfort. Sherah-Leigh Gerber is an.. Read More →
Wisdom from Luke

Wisdom from Luke

Dr. Paul Kyu-Jin Choi shows how Paul and Barnabas’ conflict in Acts 15 is less about Paul and Barnabas and more about what the Holy.. Read More →


MC USA and more than two dozen Christian and Jewish denominations and associations sue to protect religious freedoms

MC USA and more than two dozen Christian and Jewish denominations and associations sue to protect religious freedoms

Reversal of the Department of Homeland Security’s “Sensitive Locations” Policy Interferes with Central Religious Beliefs, Violates both the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration.. Read More →
MC USA releases car charging station installation guide for churches

MC USA releases car charging station installation guide for churches

The Climate Justice Ministry of Mennonite Church USA has just published “Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: A Guide for Congregations” to help congregations of all.. Read More →
MC USA names Leah Hoffner as executive assistant

MC USA names Leah Hoffner as executive assistant

Mennonite Church USA welcomes Leah Hoffner as the Mennonite Church USA executive assistant. Hoffner began her new position Dec. 3. As the executive assistant, Hoffner.. Read More →


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