The Racial Ethnic Council (REC) is a leadership body formed by representatives from each of the Racial Ethnic groups across Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) to provide the invaluable perspective of people of color across the denomination on issues and decisions that impact people of color.

Who we are
The participating Racial Ethnic groups that comprise the REC are:
- Iglesia Menonita Hispana
- African, Belizean & Caribbean Mennonite Mission Association (ABCMMA)
- African American Mennonite Association (AAMA)
- Indonesian Mennonite Association (IMA)
- Native Mennonite Ministries (NMM)
- Asian Mennonite Ministries (AMM)
What we do
The REC works together to:
- Foster better understanding within the denomination by voicing common concerns and ideas that advance equitable access to church programs and resources for people of color. This includes working with congregations and conferences (by invitation), providing perspective, insight and accompaniment into ministry initiatives and decision-making.
- Mentor and develop new leaders by providing a space for relationship building, leadership development and shared work.
The REC meets yearly and joins the Executive Board every two years. The Executive Board moderator also meets with the REC during the first year of the biennium. Each Racial Ethnic group may be represented by two members on the REC.
The REC sponsors a dinner for people of color at MennCon, MC USA’s biennial convention.
The individual Racial Ethnic groups also may meet at various times throughout the year.