Denominational Survey Results

The Mennonite Experience:

MC USA Membership Study 2021–2022

Download the full report

Introduction and Methodology

Learn about the purpose of the study, how it was conducted and who responded.

View the Intro & Methodology

Key Findings & Recommendations:

An overview of what’s important to MC USA members and what draws them to the denomination.

View Key Findings & Recommendations

Chapter 1:

Develop a Membership Snapshot of MC USA Constituents

The survey looks at shifting demographics within MC USA and explores how and why members engage with the Anabaptist/Mennonite faith.

View Chapter 1

*not full graph, see full survey to rest of results.

Chapter 2:

Determine What Being Mennonite Means, Both Culturally and Spiritually

This section explores who is a Mennonite, what are our most important faith values, and what it means to stand apart from popular culture, while still exercising our faith in the larger world.

View Chapter 2

Chapter 3:

Discover Current Members’ Experiences and Understanding of MC USA

Respondents provide feedback on how local churches are responding to members’ needs and equipping them in their faith. The survey also looks at how members connect to and engage with the denomination and its program agencies.

View Chapter 3

Chapter 4:

Examine Tenets and Philosophies That Drive Membership

The survey digs deep to identify what respondents see as MC USA’s essential activities and what impacts the church’s ability to live out its core mission. Members also identify key social issues and peacemaking priorities.

View Chapter 4


The concluding section provides an interpretive summary of the survey and recommendations for future research.

View Conclusions

For further reading:

View/share a presentation on the denominational survey results:

(Originally presented to the CLC by Executive Director Glen Guyton on Oct. 21, 2022.)