
  1. Join the webinar
    Join a webinar with Mennonite Mission Network staff and a panel of church planters who will share some of their experiences, and learn about The Sent Network Resource, a new online platform for those interested in church planting. Learn more about the speakers

Update: A recording of the webinar is now available to watch here.

  1. Subscribe to the Menno Snapshots blog, which will feature stories from people across MC USA involved with church planting in March and April. Read the blog posts on church planting here.
  2. Listen to the podcast episode about church planting and mission on the Ohio Conference Cast. Hear from many of MC USA’s leaders on church planting: Glen Guyton, Stanley Green, Mauricio Chenlo, Sandy Miller, Karla Minter, and Michael Danner. Listen here.


We invite you to pray for church planting both in your own personal prayers and to set some time aside in small groups or Sunday worship.

  • Pray for church plants to grow into communities gathered together by Jesus whose life and witness reflects the gospel of peace. Pray they may engage in efforts that bring their communities healing and hope.
  • Pray for those just beginning to sense a call to join with God’s Spirit in forming new worshiping communities.
  • Pray for leaders who are actively working to plant peace churches in new settings and contexts.


  1. Sponsor a church planter to attend Sent 2019
    The Sent gathering is an important time for peace church planters from diverse communities to gather for worship, inspiration, resourcing, networking and empowerment. Scholarships to attend Sent 2019 are offered to planters on a case by case need for those who aren’t receiving compensation for working with a church. Unlike larger church plant networks who fund church planters, many Anabaptist church planters are bi-vocational and preparing for Sunday in addition to other jobs. Taking time off work to travel and participate in Sent may require taking a day without pay, in addition to expenses of travel and lodging.

    • $65 will pay for one person’s registration
    • Any amount helps contribute to the cost of a round-trip airline ticket
    • $320 will pay for two nights of lodging, where conversation and networking happens in the “off-hours”
  1. Support church planting efforts in MC USA, with the goal of planting nine new MC USA congregations in 2019, through prayer and the ongoing Church Planting fund: mennoniteusa.org/give/churchplanting
  2. Are you being called to peace church planting? Find resources for church planters, learn more and consider attending the Sent Conference at Mennonitemission.net/ChurchPlanting.