We’re grateful for how the Spirit moved powerfully among us!
Engage with the work of the conference through videos, written reflections, worship resources, papers and more!
Stay tuned for more videos to be uploaded here!
Worship Resources
Worship with conference participants. Download the FREE conference worship materials, much of which were written specifically for All You Need is Love by the worship leaders, Regina Shands Stoltzfus and LeAnne Zook.
Twenty papers presented at All You Need Is Love appear in a collection that can be ordered in print for $10 via Amazon.
Additional papers:
- Dina Ludeña Cebrián: “Amor y Resistencia Camino Necesario Hacia la Justicia y la Sanación de Pachamama: Reflexión Bíblico-teológica en torno a RIZPÁ, la mujer que fue más amorosa que Dios (II Samuel 21:1-14)”
- Erin Sams: “Adventures in Mascara: How a Theology of Beauty Enriches the Body and Engages the World”
Give to the Women in Leadership Project
We need your support to continue this transformative work in the church! Thank you to conference participants who already raised $2,600 of our $10,000 goal. Funds raised will go to supporting a co-coordinator for the WLP, as well as new initiatives.

Members of the Steering Committee of the Women in Leadership Project share an update. From left: Erica Littlewolf, Joanna Shenk, Sandra Perez, Hilary Scarsella, Linda Gehman Peachey, Regina Shands Stoltzfus. Not pictured: Aveani Moeljono, Moniqua Acosta. Photo credit: Nekeisha Alexis-Baker/AMBS
Program Book PDF
Browse the program book from All You Need is Love.
Articles and Reflections
May 29, Rachel Lehman Stoltzfus shares Becoming Midwives of Compassion on Menno Snapshots.
May 15, Nekeisha Alexis-Baker shares from a chapel at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary reflecting on All You Need is Love on the Menno Snapshots Blog.
May 12, Titus Peachey: Reflections on my experience at “All You Need is Love” is shared on the Menno Snapshots Blog.
May 6, Joanna Shenk writes about All You Need is Love on Menno Snapshots in Four Reasons I’m Excited about the Women in Leadership Project & One Sadness.
April 29, Brenda Zook Friesen’s article, Women’s Voices: Holding the Tensions of Love, from Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference’s publication Evangel is shared on Menno Snapshots.
April 21, Menno Snapshots shares a reflection by Hilary J. Scarsella, Clasped Hands, Love and Power. It was originally shared at an Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary chapel service on February 28.
April 21, Rhoda Keener shares a summary of her workshop The Impact of Patriarchal Beliefs and a reading list, on the Mennonite Women Voices blog.
April 16, Kelly Bates Oglesby writes a post for Menno Snapshots, Carrying Love with Me.
April issue of The Mennonite magazine, Anna Groff writes an editorial With our bodies first, and an article Women are to be ‘apostles to the Apostles.’
March 25, Menno Snapshots shares a piece by Cindy Lapp, Theology in the kitchen: Mixing up a batch, which was inspired by Malinda Berry’s seminar at All You Need is Love.
March 21, Faculty and students from Eastern Mennonite University share in chapel about their experience at All You Need is Love. Listen to the podcast.
March 20, Menno Snapshots cross-posts from the Mennonite Women USA Blog, Ruth Lapp Guengerich: Experiencing the Women’s Conference.
March 17, Melodie Davis shares a post on Menno Snapshots, I Lost My Voice at the Women’s Conference.
March 6, Joanna Shenk writes a post for Menno Snapshots, Photos and Reflections from All You Need is Love.
March 3, Mennonite World Review published an article by Kelli Yoder, titled Women’s conference asks ‘Is love enough?’, as well as an editorial, Allow space for women.
March 1, Pastor Ruth Harder shares these thoughts about the conference on her blog.
February 28, Our Stories Untold posts a reflection by Rachel Halder about her experience at All You Need is Love.
February 24, Anna Groff’s article was sent out via TMail, About 200 women called to be ‘apostles to the Apostles’.

Worship table at the conference. Photo credit: Nekeisha Alexis-Baker/AMBS