By MC USA staff
(Mennonite Church USA) — This tax season, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is seeking to highlight its Church Peace Tax Fund, formerly known as the War Tax Alternative Fund, in an effort to re-engage constituents in its peacemaking efforts.

Glen Guyton
“I am so thankful for MC USA and its peace witness. When I was serving as a captain in the United States Air Force, Anabaptist peace theology helped to transform my thinking and values,” said Glen Guyton, executive director of MC USA, who eventually left the military under a conscientious objector discharge. “This Church Peace Tax Fund provides individuals with a tangible way to support the church’s ongoing peace mission, while symbolically protesting government spending on war and militarism.”
MC USA’s Church Peace Tax Fund will:
- Provide funding for educational programs that address militarism and promote living out ways of peace.
- Allocate a $100 annual grant to a Mennonite youth (ages 16-25) who is actively engaged in resisting war and promoting peace in their congregation and community.
- Annually recognize a faith leader in MC USA who has committed to resisting war and promoting peace.
- Provide grant opportunities to support war tax resisters through already established alternative funds.
The Church Peace Tax Fund reaffirms A Resolution on Faithful Action Toward Tax Withholding passed by congregational delegates of General Conference Mennonite Church (a predecessor of MC USA) at the 1983 conference in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. That resolution states that “we accept our obligation to pay taxes. However, we must witness to governments our conviction that war and preparation for war do wrong to our neighbors and are contrary to the will of God, as revealed in the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

Sue Park-Hur
“Historically, Mennonites have resisted war based on Jesus’ teaching of nonviolence and loving our enemies,” said Sue Park-Hur, MC USA’s denomination minister for Transformative Peacemaking. “Our peace theology is integral to our faith. For this reason, we want to recognize the integrity of those who are not avoiding taxes but rather are compelled by conscience to promote war tax resistance.”
Individuals and congregations may contribute to the Church Peace Tax Fund by donating directly. Some peace advocates may choose to donate an amount with symbolic significance, such as the portion of their required taxes that is equal to the percentage that the government applies to military spending. Still other conscientious objectors may practice civil disobedience by withholding and redirecting that amount to support peace initiatives, such as the Church Peace Tax Fund.
According to statistics from the National Priorities Project, 24 cents or 24% of every tax dollar (including income taxes and entitlements) in 2018 was spent on the military – more than the combined amount spent on education, energy, the environment, housing, agriculture and international aid. This means that the average U.S. taxpayer worked 63 days in 2018 to fund military spending. These figures almost double depending on how they are calculated.
“The Church Peace Tax Fund provides a faithful testimony to the world regarding Jesus’ way of nonviolence and peace,” said Park-Hur.
The fund is consistent with the way Mennonites have historically supported conscientious objectors:
- The Historic Peace Churches bore the cost of the maintenance of the Civilian Public Service camps where conscientious objectors did their alternative service.
- Donations to the Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee have since underwritten most of the costs of subsequent Mennonite Voluntary Service, Pax, Teachers Abroad Programs (TAP) and other church-related alternative service programs.
- More recently, the Mennonite Church USA established the Student Aid Fund for Nonregistrants (SAFNR) to support students who refused on the basis of conscience to register with the U.S. Selective Service.
For more information on how individuals, congregations, employers and estate planners can engage with the Church Peace Tax Fund, please contact Park-Hur at
To donate to the Church Peace Tax Fund, visit, click on the “Peace Witness” button and check the “Church Peace Tax Fund” box on the form. Donors also may write a check payable to Mennonite Church USA, 718 N. Main St., Newton, KS 67114. Please designate “Church Peace Tax Fund” in the memo line.
Mennonite Church USA, the largest Mennonite denomination in the United States, is comprised of 16 conferences, approximately 530 congregations and 62,000 members. An Anabaptist Christian denomination, MC USA is part of Mennonite World Conference, a global faith family that includes churches in 86 countries. It has offices in Elkhart, Indiana and Newton, Kansas.
Read more on this topic:
Conscientious Objection By Esther Epp-Tiessen and Titus Peachey
What is the answer to those concerned about war? By Glen Guyton
War Tax Resistance Started with the Words of Christ and Continues Today by Titus Peachey
Mennonites say no to war taxes: Mennonites say no to war taxes by Carolyn Yoder