Camille Dager, Chief Communication Officer for MC USA, shares about the National Day of Mourning, also known as Unthanksgiving Day. Camille Dager is the Chief Communication Officer for MC USA.... read more →
The Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Executive Board and MC USA’s Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference signed an amicus... read more →
This post is part of our Learn, Pray, Join: Mass Incarceration series. Reprinted with permission from Volume 6, Issue 3, of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada's Intersections periodical. MCC is... read more →
Katerina Friesen is an organizer with the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition and the pastor of Wild Church in Fresno, California. She is a descendant of German-speaking Russian Mennonite settlers... read more →