Read the English version here. ELKHART, Indiana (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.): Se abrieron las inscripciones para la Conferencia Esperanza para el Futuro de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.... read more →
Lea la versión en inglés aquí. Registration is open for MC USA’s Hope for the Future conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2025, at Goshen (Indiana) College. This year’s unique event will... read more →
Vidrio de colores en Assembly Mennonite Church (Goshen, Indiana), diseñadas para involucrar a los miembros de la iglesia en la adoración. (Foto: Everence /... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA convention planning staff is excited to announce the worship speakers for MennoCon19, the Mennonite convention taking place in Kansas City, Missouri, July 2-6.... read more →
Madalyn Metzger is the Vice President of Marketing for Everence, a member of the MennoCon19 worship planning team, and will serve as a worship leader in Kansas City. She is a... read more →
en inglés / English por Jenny Castro HAMPTON, Virginia (Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU.) — A medida que los participantes llegaban el 2 de febrero a la Iglesia Comunitaria de Calvary... read more →
en español By Jenny Castro HAMPTON, Virginia (Mennonite Church USA) — As participants arrived at Calvary Community Church (C3) on Feb. 2, it was clear that Hope for the Future... read more →
Anabaptist leadership program will begin its 16th year in the fall Participants in the Values-based Leadership Program — grouped by personality type — present on 1... read more →
This is the first in a blog series from participants in Hope for the Future (HFF), a gathering of people of color serving in leadership positions across Mennonite Church USA.... read more →