Pastor Katerina Gea shared this prayer at a lament service for Pasadena Mennonite Church, which was held off-site, due to the wildfires. Many members of the church have been forced... read more →
This post is part of Mennonite Church USA’s #BeTransformed series. Jewel Gingerich Longenecker is dean of Lifelong Learning and co-director of the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership program at Anabaptist... read more →
Joanne Gallardo serves Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference as the conference co-minister. She had been in the Mennonite Church for over 22 years. Originally from Northwest Ohio, Joanne lives in Goshen, Indiana,... read more →
Advent is a time of holy mystery — a time to slow down and notice our longing for God. Waiting and Wondering, this year’s Advent At Home worship guide, focuses on Scriptures... read more →
Jazmine Rivera is the administrative assistant for National Program at Mennonite Central Committee U.S. She is a full-time M.Div. student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. As a single mother, she is... read more →
Nancy Kauffmann is denominational minister for Mennonite Church USA. In expressing concerns to me about the future of Mennonite Church USA, someone recently said, “I fear the direction the Mennonite... read more →