The MC USA Executive Board has published its updated “Guidelines for Developing Organizational Resolutions and Church Statements in Mennonite Church USA” and appointed a new Resolutions Committee ahead of the... read more →
MC USA Executive Board members in Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 2023. (Front row, left to right) Marty Lehman, Linda Dibble, Margie Mejia-Caraballo, Susan Hart (Second... read more →
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Executive Board staff has posted the new “Guidelines for Developing Organizational Resolutions and Church Statements in Mennonite Church USA” on the MC USA website. The... read more →
Representatives of Mennonite Church USA’s (MC USA) Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) spoke about the joys they are experiencing, the challenges they are facing, and their hopes for the future at... read more →
Executive Board and staff at the September 2022 meeting in San Antonio, Texas.From left to right, front row: Margie Mejia-Caraballo, Michelle Dula, Linda Dibble (moderator), Thomas... read more →
Behind the scenes at Mennonite Church USA’s virtual 2021 Delegate Assembly (from left to right): Edward Diller, parliamentarian; Linda Dibble, moderator-elect; Joy Sutter, moderator;... read more →
The Executive Board (EB) of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) approved a $1.4 million budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, announced a special delegate session for May 27-30, 2022... read more →
MC USA Constituency Leaders Council meets, recommends two resolutions to go to the Delegate Assembly
By MC USA staff *Updated March 18, 2021. The Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) recommended two out of four proposed resolutions and several bylaw... read more →
Top row (left to right): Margie Mejia-Caraballo, EB member and representative of the Iglesia Menonita Hispana; Duncan Smith (MC USA staff), director of The... read more →
Glen Guyton is the executive director of Mennonite Church USA _______________ There is often a lot of anxiety when it comes to preparing for our biennial Delegate Assembly.... read more →
By MC USA staff The Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA)... read more →
(Mennonite Church USA) — The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board has developed updated guidelines for proposed resolutions that serve as “Church Statements.” These statements, which “receive broad support across the... read more →
La Coalición de la Doctrina del Descubrimiento se reunió en enero del 2016 en la Iglesia Menonita de Seattle. (Izq. a der.) Patty Burdette, Iris de... read more →
[Español] By Jenny Castro (Mennonite Church USA)—A coalition of people from across Mennonite Church USA is working systematically to dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery (DoD), a 15th-century philosophical framework that... read more →
Ervin Stutzman es el director ejecutivo de la Iglesia Menonita de EE. UU. [Versión en PDF] [English] 26 de octubre del 2015 1. La primera resolución sobre Israel-Palestina fue sometida a debate.... read more →