Doug Luginbill participated in Mennonite Action's All God’s Children March for a Ceasefire in July. He reflects on journey. Doug Luginbill is a member of First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio,... read more →
Carol Penner describes the history and work of the Together in Worship team. Together in Worship is a website that offers free worship resources in one convenient location. Carol Penner... read more →
Amid the climate crisis, Douglas Day Kaufman finds wild, grounded hope in the gospel of all creatures — in the tiny Caddisfly larva and in the body of Christ. This... read more →
Katie Graber, Anneli Loep Thiessen and Sarah Kathleen Johnson share a glimpse into the new resource, Guide to Voices Together Songs and Resources with Connections to Indigenous Communities in Canada... read more →
Mennonite Church USA is saddened to announce that Patricia Shelly, 71, who was a former pastor, professor, MC USA Executive Board member and moderator, died Sept. 4, in Newton, Kansas,... read more →
This post is part of the MennoCon23 #BeTransformed series. MennoCon23 will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, July 3-6. Randy Spaulding is the pastor of Boulder (Colorado) Mennonite Church. He... read more →
Kiron Mateti attends Plains Mennonite Church in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and lives in Telford, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Rachel, and three kids. He also serves on the Mosaic Mennonite Conference Board.... read more →
Shirley Yoder Brubaker, a retired pastor and educator, is a member of Park View Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She and her husband, Kenton, reside at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community.... read more →
Sarah Buller Fenton is a retired public health nursing leader specializing in infectious diseases and immunizations. Sarah received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana,... read more →
Kevin Nye is a writer and advocate, working toward ending homelessness by engaging best practices. He has written on the intersections of homelessness and faith for Religion News Service, Sojourners,... read more →
We celebrate Native American Heritage Month, and Thanksgiving in particular, by sharing this song, which was inspired by the writings of the late Chief Lawrence Hart and Psalm 19. It... read more →
This article was first published on the Canadian Mennonite website. Reprinted with permission. This article is part of our series on Voices Together, the new worship and song collection from... read more →
This blog post was originally published by the Anabaptist Worship Network. Reprinted with permission. This article is part of our series on Voices Together, the new worship and song collection... read more →
This blog is part of our Special Session of the Delegate Assembly Open Call for Blogs series, which will run throughout May. This blog is the opinion of the author... read more →
This article is part of our series on Voices Together, the new worship and song collection from MennoMedia, in partnership with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada. Katie Graber is... read more →