Jennifer Halteman Schrock is the leader of Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN) [MC USU'S Climate Justice Ministry's predecessor] and the communications manager for Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College. She lives... read more →
Ched Myers is an activist biblical theologian working with Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries ( in the Ventura River Watershed of southern California. Find his many publications at The realities... read more →
By Katerina Friesen This article is shared from Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference.... read more →
Christy Miller Hesed attends Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas. She earned an M.S. in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology and a Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Maryland.... read more →
Douglas Kaufman is a director of pastoral ecology at the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions, Goshen College, and pastor of Benton Mennonite Church, who began creation care ministries in response... read more →
Katerina Friesen lives in Fresno, California on traditional Yokuts land, and works with incarcerated people to create healing spaces through the Insight Garden Program. She pastors Wild Church, a community... read more →
Katie Isaac is the current Climate Futures Fellow for the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She recently graduated from Fresno Pacific University with an environmental science degree... read more →
Register now for webinar, “Caring for climate: Beyond denial and despair” By Mennonite Church USA staff (Mennonite Church USA) — Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is encouraging people and congregations... read more →
Jessica Schrock-Ringenberg is a missional discipleship leader and consultant. She and her husband Shem, recently bought a heating and cooling business in the Kansas City area where they live with... read more →
Jason Kauffman is director of Archives and Records Management for Mennonite Church USA. He offers this snapshot into a church planting movement in Mennonite history as we Learn, Pray, Join... read more →
Zachary Martinez is the pastor of Sojourn Mennonite Church in Fort Collins and Greeley, Colorado. He lives with his family in Greeley, where he likes to garden, ride his bike... read more →
Naun Cerrato’s roots are in Central America. He moved with his family to Elkhart in the 90s. Naun Graduated from Goshen College with a Bachelor of Science degree and completed... read more →
Olak Sunuwar is a pastor at Living Water Community Church, Chicago, for the Nepalese speaking community. Typically, a Sunday looked like this: During the week, I prepared a sermon for... read more →
Hilda Zapata-Palacios was born in New York City and raised in Guatemala. Currently, she lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, which is the place where her experience as a church... read more →
Anton Flores-Maisonet is co-founder of Casa Alterna, a hospitality house located in a Guatemalan neighborhood in Georgia and devoted to faithful acts of mercy and justice. During the funeral visitation... read more →